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时间: 2019-11-02 12:27; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

Three days after Samsung confirmed an issue pany has issued an even more serious pany says,scan your fingerprint in its entirety, so that all portions of your fingerprint, including the center and corners have been fully scanned.该公司说:“软件更新后要完整扫描指纹,包括指纹中心和边缘在内的整个指纹都要扫描”。Basically, users are advised to replace all the biometric data on the device.主要是建议用户替换掉手机内所有生物特征数据。The nem in-display technology in the S10 and Note10 has always been a challenge for screen protectors. A small gap between the protector and the screen resulted in recognition challenges.S10和Note 10手机应用的高通公司的这个新屏下技术对屏幕保护器来说一直是一个挑战。屏幕保护器和屏幕之间的小间隙会导致识别错误。But one fix at least seems to capture a successful fingerprint match from the original user within the gel cover—essentially applying that correct fingerprint when pressure is applied.但至少有一种修复方法可以在凝胶膜中成功捕获原始用户的指纹,按压屏幕时主要匹配的就是这个正确的指纹。This means any person can unlock the device and access its data and any other apps opened by the biometric security.这意味着任何人都能解锁手机获取数据,并利用生物识别安全系统打开的其他任何应用程序。

  • 上一篇:太不识货! 乾隆花瓶在英国竟被1英磅卖出!
  • 下一篇:给可可投稿
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