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时间: 2019-11-15 11:14; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

The daytime speed limit on Dutch roads is to be cut to 100km/h in a bid to tackle a nitrogen oxide pollution crisis, according to cabinet sources e in during 2020, public broadcaster NOS reports.据荷兰国家电视台报道,新的限速标准将于2020年执行。The crisis is so severe that big infrastructure projects have been put on hold. A ruling in May by the top court in the Netherlands on nitrogen oxide emissions affected thousands of plans for roads, housing and airports.荷兰的这次污染危机太严重了,许多大型基建项目都被迫暂停。五月份荷兰最高法院关于氧化氮排放物的一次判决影响到了数以千计的马路、房屋和机场建设计划。The Council of State said Dutch rules for granting building and farming permits breached EU lamon maximum speed limit in Europe is 130km/h while in the UK it is 112 km/h.欧洲普遍的限速标准是130公里/时,而英国是112公里/时。Last month, farmers reacted angrily to claims that intensive farming was partly to blame for the emissions problem, after a report called for drastic measures to reduce livestock as well as action on the roads.上个月,愤怒的荷兰农民对密集农作在一定程度上导致排放问题的指控做出了回应。此前一篇报道呼吁采取严厉措施减少牲口数量以及对道路交通采取行动。Tractors caused the worst ever morning rush hour in the country as farmers argued they were being victimised.报道称,拖拉机是荷兰早高峰时期拥堵的罪魁祸首,而农民们辩称,自己是在替其他行业“背锅”。One of the measures set to be announced is a plan to change livestock feed to include an enzyme that reduces nitrogen oxide emissions from cows.即将公布的措施之一就是计划将牲口饲料更换为含有一种酶的新饲料,这种酶可以减少奶牛的氧化氮排放物。

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