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时间: 2019-11-15 11:14; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

A 14-year-old scientist took home $25,000 from a national science petition for inventing a liquid bandage that could replace antibiotics.一个14岁的科学家发明了一种可替代抗生素的液体绷带,在全国科学竞赛上赢得了25,000美元奖金。Kara Fan from San Diego, CA petition for middle school students that takes place every year. The students are tasked ing up pete for the title ofAmericas Top Young Scientist and a grand prize of $25,000. After being selected, they e to life.10名参加决赛的选手被选出来角逐“美国顶尖青年科学家”的头衔和25,000美元的大奖。决赛选手被选出来之后要和科学家一起将他们的想法付诸实践。Each contestant is judged on their inventions creativity, scientific knomunication, and overall presentation.要对每位选手的发明创意、科学知识、说服力和沟通力,以及综合阐述进行评判。Other finalists included Jaya Choudray, petition for students in grades 5-8 because research has shown that their interest in science fades after these years.3M公司举办这场针对5-8年级学生的竞赛是因为研究表明近些年他们对科学的兴趣有所减退。

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