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时间: 2019-11-02 12:27; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

A massive influx of international tourists e by, and to demonstrate the capabilities of Japanese scientists.对于那些将要研究这些病毒的研究人员来说,这是一个前所未有的机会,使他们可以调查那些必定难以获得的病原体,并证明日本科学家的能力。

This is a landmark time, a landmark event NIID departmental director Masayuki Saijo told Nature.“这是一个具有里程碑意义的时刻,也是一个划时代的事件,”日本国家传染病研究所部门主任Masayuki Saijo告诉《自然》杂志。The pathogens e to a good level of understanding on the matter, Nemoto said.It is a major stride toward protection.Nemoto表示:“我们很理解这个问题,但这是迈向保护的一大步。”But while Musashimurayamas mayor, Masaru Fujino, may have approved the NIIDs new viral research program, not all residents are happy about having Ebola on their doorstep, fearing a potential outbreak if containment protocols somehow fail.虽然武藏村山市市长Masaru Fujino可能已经批准了国家传染病研究所的新病毒研究项目,但并不是所有的居民都乐于见到家门口就有埃博拉病毒,他们担心如果控制措施由于未知的原因而失效,可能会爆发疫情。It is nonsense for the government to tell us to accept the plan because of the Olympics, a residents representative explained to The Asahi Shimbun last November while the plan was still under discussion.去年11月一位居民代表向《朝日新闻》解释道:“政府说因为奥运会而让我们接受这项计划简直荒谬”,然而这个计划却仍在讨论之中。We are worried and cannot accept it.“我们很担心,接受不了这项计划。”

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