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时间: 2013-12-03 13:54; 作者: 罗林英  电脑版浏览

1 sibling
2 rebellious
3 jolly
4 shock
5 innocence
6 upbringing
7 outgoing
8 introverted
9 mock
10 impressed
1 To entertain.
2 In a magazine.
3 First person narrative.
4 Informal.
1 children
2 protect
3 fight other people for me
4 keep
5 very interested in
6 active and involved with other people
7 worried and upset
8 it gave me confidence
Unit 2
1 (c)  2 (a)  3 (a)  4 (d)  5 (c)  6 (d)  7 (d)  8 (c)
1 She found nothing but the cat.
2 He had been hiding in the cupboard.
3 Tom escaped when his aunt turned around by hearing him cry out “look behind”.
4 She stood surprised a moment. No, she wasn’t.
5 He climbed over the high board fence.
Unit 3
(b) (c),
(b) (c)
1 one jot of former love retain
2 so clearly I myself can free
3 you get no more of me
4 be it not seen in either of our brows
5 since there’s no help
6 cancel all our vows
7 when his pulse failing, passion speechless lies
8 from death to life thou mightst him yet recover
9 now if thou wouldst
10 at the last gasp of love’s latest breath
11 when all have given him over
12 and innocence is closing up his eyes
1 In Love’s Farewell.
2 The writer hopes love might still continue.
3 In Coat.
4 She lost her love.
5 At first the writer thinks the relationship will end very soon, but later he hopes it might still continue.
6 She feels bored with the relationship in the past, hoping to throw it off and breathe and move freely, while now she regrets and misses it after she has really lost it.
Love’s Farewell
1 The writer compares “love” to “a man” who is dying.
2 Passion, faith and innocence are compared to people by love’s dying bed.
3 “Him” refers to the relationship. It’s going to be finished.
4 The relationship is ending.
5 If she wants, she can bring love back.
1 She compares the person she loves to a heavy coat, because she once wanted to get out of the relationship like throwing off a heavy coat.
2 Their relationship has ended and she’s free to choose.
3 She feels the cold without the coat.
4 She regrets.
Unit 4
(d) (e) (a) (b) (g) (f) (c)
1 Because he fell deeply in love with Daisy.
2 They both feel nervous and embarrassed.
3 He follows his friend into the kitchen and talks to him.
4 Nick is helpful, though a little impatient.
5 Nick tells Gatsby the real situation and encourages him to be sensible and gentleman-like.
6 Gatsby and Daisy have a warm talk.
1 (c)  2 (b)  3 (c)  4 (a)  5 (b)  6 (b)  7 (a)  8 (d)
1 Gatsby was shocked.
2 Nick feels tense.
3 Gatsby and Daisy felt embarrassed.
4 Gatsby was still deep in love with Daisy. He’d been calculating the time since they parted fro this particular reason.
5 He was nervous.
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