
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 高考英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文模板 英语名言 英语美文 作文大全 大河名师 教学研究 学习方法 教育新闻 高考资讯 培训答案


时间: 2013-12-03 13:54; 作者: 罗林英  电脑版浏览
Module 1
Unit 1
1 Open.
2 Skydiving, rock climbing, bungee jumping.
3—4 Students’ own answers.
1 (c)  2 (b)  3 (e)  4 (a)  5 (f)  6 (d)
1 He told them that land diving was an ancient custom for the Pentecost islanders.
2 There were two reasons: one was that the dirt was turned over until it was very soft, and the other was that the divers attached long vines to the tower and tied them round their ankles to break their fall.
3 No, nobody died.
4 He opened his eyes while diving.
5 For about 30 years.
6 Falling can feel like extreme happiness.
7 Why have people become so addicted to the sensation of falling since the 1960s especially?
8 People want to experience risk.
9 The first is that more adolescents were looking for something to do than at any other time in history; the second is that the nature of gravity makes falling the easiest and cheapest way to seek for sensation.
Unit 2
1 (c)  2 (e)  3 (b)  4(d)  5 (a)
1 F  2 F  3 T  4 T  5 T
1 how you think about yourself
2 you may have good luck
3 are those who worry more
4 Follow the four principles for a month
5 said they felt luckier
Unit 3
Picture 1 longing for a bouquet.
Picture 2 economise and save.
Picture 3 Whom are these flowers from?
1 (b)  2 (c)  3 (b)  4 (a)  5 (c)
Unit 4
1 (d)  2 (b)  3 (c)  4 (f)  5 (e)  6 (a)
1 They should listen to what the students complain about.
2 Grades, or, how well they are doing.
3 Teachers and parents are quite naturally urging them to do their best or try harder, which brings them much pressure.
4 Students need to relax and enjoy themselves, to keep fit, to learn how to make things, to sing, to draw.
5 They can more easily handle the pressure of studying in the classroom.
Module 2
Unit 1
1 Yang Liwei, astronaut
2 Ding Lei, founder of Internet company
3 Yao Ming, basketball player
4 Deng Yaping, table tennis player
5 Wu Xiaoli, TV presenter
1 F (Yang Liwei’s first flight into space was in 2003.)
2 F (Yang Liwei became a fighter pilot before he started his training as an astronaut.)
3 T
4 F (Yao Ming is one of the tallest basketball players in the world.)
5 F (Ding Lei’s Internet company is called Netease.)
6 F (Ding Lei’s Internet company was founded in 1997)
7 F (When Deng Yaping retired she had won four Olympic gold medals.)
8 F (Deng Yaping started playing table tennis at the age of five.)
9 F (Sally Wu is the deputy head of Phoenix Info Channel.)
10 T
Paragraph 1
Trainee: (As a member of a group of 14 trainees …) n.
Survival: (He also had to learn survival skills …) adj.
Cope: (He also had to learn survival skills so as to cope with …) v.
Paragraph 2
Currently: (Born in 1980 in Shanghai, Yao Ming currently …) adv.
Vowed: (In the 2004 Olympic Games, he vowed …) v.
Paragraph 3
Regional: (… worked for China Telecom as a technical engineer and regional project manager.) adj.
Influential: (In 1999 Ding Lei was named one of the ten most influential Internet figures in China.) adj.
Paragraph 4
Considered: (… after she was considered to be too short.) v.
Numerous: (She went on to win numerous championships …) adj.
Management: (She is involved in sports management …) n.
Paragraph 5
Citation: (… including a citation as …) n.
Admits: (… and admits to reading …) n.
Viewer: (… she has been familiar to millions of viewers …) n.
1 adjective, difficult
2 adverb, at the moment
3 verb, to work for a social or political result
4 verb, remove
5 verb, not accepted
Unit 2
Nepal—India—Pakistan—Iran—Turkey—Greece—Europe—Africa—South America—Canada—Hong Kong—Taiwan—back to China
1 CW?  2 PV  3 C  4 C  5 PV  6 C  7 PV  8 C  9 PV  10 PV
  1. hotel employee
  2. set off
  3. settle down
  4. save up
  5. road accident
  6. give the wrong impression
  7. sheer effort
  8. grand tour
  9. stand a chance
  10. Foreign Ministry
  1. 5  (b) 3  (c) 1  (d) 4  (e) 2
Unit 3
1 He lived in the 12th and 13th centuries.
2 A man of extraordinary achievement, an empire ruler.
3 He ruled the Mongols andturned it from a tribe into a huge empire.
4 Students’ own answers.
1 Yet by the time of his death in 1227, Genghis Khan ... ruled an empire that was twice the size of the Roman Empire, and four times the size of the empire of Alexander the Great.
2 He created order by introducing strict laws. No woman was to be sold into marriage. To steal an animal, or to eat in front of another without offering them food, was punishable by death.
3 They ate mainly meat, milk and yogurt, so needed no supplies of grain to make bread.
4 The army took all the goods it could find — silk, carpets, perfume, wine, gold, everything the world had to offer.
1 (a)  2 (d)  3 (c)  4 (c)  5 (d)
1 These exhibitions were about Genghis Khan, ruler of the Mongol Empire.
2 Who exactly was Genghis Khan? And why is he considered to be so important?
3 By the time of his death, he ruled an empire that was twice the size of the Roman Empire, and four times the size of the Empire of Alexander the Great.
4 Temujin united his people by rewarding those who served him well and creating order through strict laws.
5 Two examples of Temujin’s “military tactics”: (1) His campaigns were lightning fast, and the army either terrified or tricked cities into surrendering. (2) He was quick in learning from his enemies, and used their weapons against them.
6 Examples: They were used to riding for hours on end with very little food. They ate mainly meat, milk and yogurt, so needed no supplies of grain to make bread. They were herdsmen, and took their animals with them wherever they went. The armies were very well organised and could out-think their enemies as well as out fight them. They pretended to be beaten, let their enemies pursue them, and then attacked when they were exhausted. They could move in the coldest part of the year.
7 Success in war changed the Mongols. They learned some arts of peace from some of their prisoners, and they became consumers. The empire grew to satisfy their needs.
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