我们都知道,健康胜过财富(health, wealth)。但是如何保持健康呢(keep healthy)?在我看来,必须做到下面几点:
我们要有好的生活方式(lifestyle)。首先,有规律地锻炼(take exercise)。要早睡早起,每天坚持锻炼,可以散步、跑步等。经常锻炼的人很少得感冒(rarely)。在锻炼时,要注意安全,不要受伤(injure)。其次,要有健康的饮食(diet)。确保每天都吃些蔬菜和水果(make sure),少吃糖和脂肪。正如一个谚语所说的(proverb),一天一个苹果医生远离(keep ... away)我。如果你能照着我说的去做(as),我想你会拥有健康的。
How to keep fit?
As is known to all, health is more important than wealth. But how to keep healthy? In my opinion, it is necessary to do the following.
We should have a good lifestyle. First, take exercise regularly. You should go to bed early and get up early and take exercise every day, such as walking and running. Those who often do exercise rarely catch a cold. Be careful about your safety while doing exercise and don't injure yourself. Second, you should have a good diet. Make sure you eat some vegetables and fruits every day. As the proverb says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” If you can do as I tell you, I think you will be very healthy.
玛丽曾经喜欢吃含有糖和脂肪的食物;而且,不经常运动。所以(as a result),她严重超重了(overweight),这使得她经常感到疲劳。上楼梯时,她经常是上气不接下气(out of breath)。有时候因为身体虚弱,好几天不去上班(be off work)。医生建议她每天出去散步,呼吸一些新鲜空气(take in)。并且吃健康的饮食。她的丈夫要求她每天步行去接孩子(pick up)。玛丽照着做了(as)。现在,她是每天第一个在公园里散步的人(the first person to do)。她越来越瘦了。
Mary used to like eating some food containing fat and sugar. What's more, she seldom took some exercise. As a result, she was very overweight, which made her very weak. When she climbed the stairs, she was often out of breath. Sometimes she was so tired that she was off work for a few days. The doctor advised her to go out for a walk and take in some fresh air and have a healthy diet. Her husband asked her to pick up their child on foot. Mary does as she is told. Now, she is the first person to walk in the park every day. And she is getting thinner and thinner.
大家都知道,吸毒是非常危险的(dangerous; drug),因为很多疾病都和吸毒有关(be related to)。我的叔叔就曾经是一个瘾君子(used to; addict)。在只有15岁时,他就开始吸毒了。很快他上瘾了(be addicted to)。有时候他是吸食毒品,有时候呢,是通过注射(inject)。买毒品要花很多钱。有一次他偷偷进入一所房子(break into),偷了一些钱,结果他锒铛入狱。在监狱里,一位医生告诉他,如果不停止吸毒,他可能会丧命的。我叔叔听从了医生的建议(take one's advice),尽全力戒了毒。现在他过着快乐而健康的生活。
As we all know, it is very dangerous to take drugs, for many diseases are related to taking drugs. My uncle used to be an addict. He started using drugs when he was only 15. Soon he was addicted to it. Sometimes he smoke it and sometimes he injected it. It took much money to buy the drugs. Once he broke into a house and stole some money to buy drugs.As a result, he was put into prison. In the prison the doctor told him that he would die if he didn't stop taking drugs. My uncle took the doctor's advice and tried his best to stop taking drugs. Now he is living a healthy and happy life.
如今,很多青少年在吸烟。这使得他们的家长和老师都很着急。很多成年人也吸过烟(adult),但他们戒掉了(give up),因为他们逐渐意识到吸烟有害健康(affect)。另外,世界上很多地方都颁布了戒烟令(ban)。起初,一些人不同意这个禁令(disagree with),但我们大多数人支持,这个戒烟令开始实施了(come into effect)。如果你吸烟,你会遇到麻烦的。我真诚地希望所有的青少年都意识到吸烟的危害,劝同学不要吸烟(advise)。
Nowadays, there are many teenagers who are smoking, which makes the parents and teachers worried. Many adults used to be smokers, but they gave it up, for they came to know that it affected their health. In addition, there is a ban on smoking in many places in the world. At first, there were some people who disagreed with the ban,but most of us were for it, so it came into effect. If you are a smoker, you will be in trouble. I really hope that all the teenagers realize the harm smoking can cause and advise their classmates to stay away from smoking.
我叔叔是中国最伟大的音乐家和作曲家之一(musician, composer),是一个真正的音乐天才(genius)。在很小的时候,他就表现出惊人的音乐天赋(talent)。以前,他甚至梦想成为一位著名的指挥(conductor)。他的父亲,是一位农民(peasant),想办法把他送到一位著名音乐人那里学习。他在学习的期间,创作了(compose)几首曲子。他的刻苦给老师留下了深刻印象(be impressed with),老师尽其所能地教他(direct)。我叔叔特别喜欢古典音乐和爵士乐(classical, jazz)。后来,他创作了很多著名的音乐,在许多城市巡回演出(tour)。每次他登上舞台,观众(audience)都非常地激动。
My uncle, one of the greatest musicians and composers in China, was really a great genius in music. He showed musical talent when he was very young. Once, he even dreamed of being a famous conductor. His father, a peasant, managed to send him to learn music from a famous musician. While he was learning music, he composed several pieces of music. His teacher was deeply impressed with his hard work and tried his best to direct him. My uncle especially loved classical and jazz. Later, he composed many famous pieces of music and toured in many cities. Every time he appears on the stage, the audience are very excited.
汤姆在很小时就显示出了音乐天赋(talent)。他非常喜欢音乐。在上大学时,他学习非常刻苦,他记录甚至录下老师所教的东西(make a note of; record)。他的勤奋给老师们留下了深刻的印象(be impressed with)。他自己也发现和老师们交谈是很有意思的(find it to do)。毕业后,他组建了自己的乐队(band)。同时,他也创作音乐。后来,他的乐队解散了(split up),但是他没有与音乐分开(split up with)。他甚至把西方的音乐和东方的音乐混合起来(mix ...with ...),在两者之间建起了一座桥梁。
Tom showed a talent for music when he was very young. He loved music very much. While at college, he worked hard and made a note of or even recorded what his lecturers taught in classes. His lecturers were impressed with his diligence. He also found it interesting to talk to his lecturers. After graduation, he formed his own band. At the same time, he composed some music. Later, his band spilt up, but he didn't split up with his music. He even mixed western music with oriental music and built a bridge between the two.
我的父母喜欢去艺术画廊欣赏图画(be fond of; gallery)。他们经常带我去,目的是为了培养我对绘画的喜爱(aim; like)。我曾经学过画一些画,但是很快我就厌倦了(be tired of ),最终我放弃了学习画画(give up )。但是,我仍然喜欢看著名艺术家的作品。我能根据绘画风格判断这些画是哪位艺术家的(tell by; style)。我最喜欢的艺术家是巴勃罗·毕加索和齐白石。巴勃罗·毕加索被认为是20世纪西方最伟大的艺术家(consider)。他和乔治·布拉克开创了一项重要的新的艺术运动——立体艺术(Cubism)。立体派画家从不同的方面描述物体和人物(aspect)。巴勃罗毕加索获得了非凡的成功(unusual)。
参考答案:My parents are fond of going to art galleries to enjoy the paintings. They often take me with them, which is aimed at developing my like for painting. I once studied drawing some pictures, but soon I was tired of them and finally gave it up. However, I still enjoy watching famous artists' works. I can tell whose works they are by the styles. My favourite artists are Pablo Picasso and Qi Baishi.Pablo Picasso was considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century. He as well as George Braque started an important new artistic movement — Cubism. Cubist artists painted objects and people from different aspects. Pablo Picasso won unusual success.
我姑姑是一位肖像画家(portrait),我小时候她经常带我去看画展。渐渐地,我对绘画很感兴趣了。我学过画风景画和水彩画(landscape; watercolor)。但是现在太忙而没时间去做了。我最喜欢的画家是巴勃罗·毕加索。他在不同时期创作了一系列作品(a series of),看起来似乎物体和人物都被破坏了(destroy),但实际上它们还是一个整体。