
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 高考英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文模板 英语名言 英语美文 作文大全 大河名师 教学研究 学习方法 教育新闻 高考资讯


时间: 2016-10-11 08:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

      以2007年江西高考英语作文试题为例,题目为What Can We Do for Our School? 旨在对学校发展提出建设性意见,可从以下四点中任选两个要点进行阐述(1 美化校园环境; 2 增强学习氛围;3 爱护学校设施; 4 关心他人)。就考题而言,纯属建设性考题,四选二的出题方法给与了学生更多的扬长避短的可能,使考生能够发挥的更好,同时也避免了作文的雷同,也给大家在描述细节上足够的空间发挥,属比较科学的命题。此类题目的破解方法为三个步骤(就高考而言),即:what(建议是什么),why(为什么要提出建议),和how(具体怎么操作)。可见,题目已经给出了关于what的提示,剩下学生要做的就是关于what的英文表达,以及why和how的个性发挥。以下为参考范文,涵盖了四个建议,考生可针对自身情况,做出选择性的取舍。
  What Can We Do for Our School?
  Every one of us, as a member of our school, is a part of the whole, and something should be called upon to make our school a better place with more beautiful sceneries, enhanced study atmosphere, better-maintained facilities, and greater caring environment. As to a student, study should come first and that explains why an enhanced atmosphere has become critically essential. What should be done first is to encourage students to organize their study groups so that those doing well in their studies can have the chance to help those in need helping themselves. While most of the students put their scores of exams in the first place, it is more important to let them know how to care others as well as themselves, not only in their studies, but also in other aspects of their life; after all, students are human beings born with flesh and blood rather than examination machines made of iron and steel. It is the caring environment that encourages students to take better care of class facilities such as desks, blackboards, computers and so on; it is the caring environment that nurtures a wonderful campus with greater ocean of flowers and trees, soul-touching songs from birds, and crystal-like river beneath the romantic bridges. We firmly believe that harder as we try, that day will soon arrive, and most importantly the future is now.
  • 上一篇:高考复习经验之道:考前冲刺温故很重要
  • 下一篇:标题要幽默风趣 英语新闻报道写作一点通
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