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当风华正茂不再 When No Longer Young and Beautiful

时间: 2016-06-11 18:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
When people are in 17 or 18, they feel they are young and beautiful, this is also their biggest fortune. Some poets said that nothing can compare with being a maid. It is true that young is promising and full of energy. But even the most beautiful thing will be faded someday, when that moment comes, what will leave for a person. No one can resist the natural regulation and their faces will change and lost the charm. When a person is no longer young and beautiful, they can still be equipped with knowledge and experience. An old person is always respectable, for he gets widom as the time goes by, which can enlighten the young person. The appearance will fade aways, but the widom will gain and it is the most precious thing.

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