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赛琳娜的反击 Selena Fought Back

时间: 2015-12-11 08:08; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
Selena Gomez who is a famous American singer and actress, has been criticized by the media in the last two years, for she got fat and did not as thin as other girls. Actually, even at Selena’s fattest time, she still thinner than the ordinary girls. But her image as the a teenage idol makes the media strict to her. Recently, Selena got much thinner, every time she showed in the public place, she kept the perfect image, which surprised all. Selena fought back in the quiet but powerful way. The fans know that she got a bad desease and she needed to be treated, which made her look fat. She had to endure the media’s bad words, how strong she is. Now she shows her best look to her fans and release the information that she is back. 

  • 上一篇:孤独的灵魂 The Lonely Soul
  • 下一篇:当风华正茂不再 When No Longer Young and Beautiful
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