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传统节日遇冷 The Prevalence of Western Holidays

时间: 2019-12-14 21:49; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

Directions: For this part, you are alloe especially popular as a romantic holiday for boyfriends and girlfriends or young married couples. Valentine's Day is also extremely popular, and even Halloe a symbol of self-expression and freedom from restraint. Celebrating Western holidays has bee a way for students to express their love of something different from traditional Chinese culture, and to have fun together with their own generation.

In my opinion, it's fine for students learning English and studying English-speaking cultures to celebrate Western holidays with their teachers and classmates. However, the way I see it, unless the young people later go abroad to live in those cultures, there is no reason for them to continue to celebrate them. We Chinese should hold on to our traditional festivals, the festivals which we have celebrated for centuries.

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