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旅行能带给我们好心情 Travel can Bring us good Mood

时间: 2019-12-14 21:47; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

I think everyone likes to travel, so do I. since I go to college, I have traveled to many places. Every time I go to the nee back with the good mood.


My travel to Tibet impresses me so much, it was July, I went to Tibet with my friends. We took the train, we were so excited, watching the scenery all the way, we saw the flatland, there were less green, which was so different from our place. When the train was close to Tibet, I felt so tired and I couldn't use my power, I knew it altitude sickness, it took me many hours to get used to it. Tibet has different color in different season, for me, its beautiful scenery is color on the way, I am not interested in its tourist site, I like its natural color.


The trip to Tibet brings me much knowledge, I experience many things, all of these are precious for me and I have the good mood to my life.


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