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时间: 2019-12-14 21:47; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

The issue of media violence just doesn't go aes to the violent crimes. On the contrary, it even plays an educational role. Take critically acclaimed Saving Private Ryan for example, no one will deny the frequent and graphic violence in the movie reminds us that the portrayal violent behavior can serve artistic and moral purposes.What's more, it makes lives easier for us. Fear and rage are what we inevitiably feel deep inside and what can depress us when oppressed. Media violence makes it possible for us to give vent to such feelings vicarously through the stories of others.

What, you may ask, sparks violent crimes? Where we should focus our attention on to reduce the violent crimes?

Though media violence is available to all, some absorb the messages with inmmunity whereas others are more vulnerable to them. How they make sense of it depends on their respective personal social experiences.Young, poor, discriminated, rebellious, and not infrequently, minorities, are the traditional images of criminals of violent crimes. Those who have simillar personal ecperiences are prone to take it for granted as what their life should be.

What sparks the violent crimes is not what people see a film or TV programes, but what really happens to them. The gorernment is supposed to focus its attention more on the well-being of the average, rather than on media vialence.

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