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化妆的权利 The Right to Make Up

时间: 2016-09-11 11:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
When we look at the commercial ads, we are easily attracted by the beautiful faces. All these perfect faces are made up. People are enjoying watching the attracting scenery, but when they are asked their opinion about the make-up, they are not that open. In my opinion, making up is everybody’s right.

Early in the morning, my friend sent me the two pictures, I saw a girl’s face, one of the picture very beautiful, because the girl had made up, while the other looked not that beautiful, because she did not make up. My friend said so many people criticized this girl, for they thought she was ugly and her beautiful outlook was just the trick of make-up. They felt like being cheated. 

Seeing these impolite words, I had to say that people are so mean to the people who have made up. It is everybody’s right, if making up can bring people confidence and happiness, then it is right to make up. The things that bring positive sides are worth to be done, we don’t have to care about other people’s judgment. 
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