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电视节目的题材The Theme of TV Show

时间: 2015-11-11 19:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
Today, when we open the TV, we can see all kinds of shows, like the sing show, the live show and so on. We are happy to see the various development of the media, people can find many amusement, they can spend their leisure time happily. If we watch the foreign TV show, we may find that many of our shows are imitating their themes, the lack of creativities is the main problem our producers face. 
Since 2004, a famous live show named Super Girl came out, it caught thousands of Chinese people’s eyes, they were so interested in the new style of the show, every girl in the show became famous. Since then, more and more live shows came into being, even today, the live show still catch people’s eyes. 
But we must have to admit that our country’s TV shows are lack of creativity, many shows are almost the same, the copyrights are bought from the foreign shows, we need to do our own shows. I believe we can do the shows with our own wisdom and endow the shows with Chinese feature.

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