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我们需要英语We Do Need English

时间: 2016-10-11 08:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

Recently, Beijing Education Department hasannounced that the full mark of English in the college entrance examination in2016 will be 100 points, which has dropped 50 points from previous years. Whilethe Chinese will be 180 points, the mathematics remains the same, still 150points. After the news has been exploded, this policy has caused greatattention among the public. Some people even wonder: do we still need Englishas before? And the status of English still remains the same in China? Well, asfar as I am concern, English still an indispensable part of our daily lives.
Firstly, English language is of crucialimportant in international cooperation and exchange. In this competitive world,no country can survive without any other contact with other countries. Andthroughout all the interactions, English, as a global language, is the bridgefor us to communicate with other people who from different culture, differentcountries. Two thirds of the world trade is conducted in English. In order toperform our duties and enjoy our rights as a significant member of WTO, we doneed English by all means.
Secondly, English is compulsory inelementary, secondary and further education. One has to pass the English teststo get his certifications. Although we don’t need English so much in our dailylives,  when we turn on the computer, listen to the radio, we may findEnglish is everywhere. So, it’s quite necessary for all of us to master aforeign language. Even in the developed countries, students are required tolearn at least one foreign language. And learning English makes contributions toone’s development to some extent.
Although the English marks of collegeentrance examination will drop to 100, we still need English in our dailylives. With the rapid development of economic and cultural globalization,learning English is still the tendency for the young generations. It’s not onlythe tool for people to communicate, but also the golden key to get personaldevelopment.虽然高考英语总分会降为100分,但在日常生活中,我们还是需要英语。随着经济的快速发展和文化的全球化,学习英语依旧是年轻一代的趋势。英语不光光是人们用来交流的工具,也是个人发展的金钥匙。
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