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我们是否要抨击不同的观点?Should We Strike the Opinion Diffe

时间: 2016-10-11 08:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

When it comes to the opinion about one thing, it is common that different people will have different views. Usually, there are always a number of people will stand in one side, but sometimes there will be one voice different from others. In fact, nobody can sure it is right or wrong. However, what we often do is to strike it, because we regard he is different. Should our behavior correct? If you ask me, I will say no.
First of all, we can’t blow anyone’s thought. Our society is a place freedom of expression. We can’t strike others opinion, otherwise, we are regarded of autocracy. And it is not the thing that our society approves. We can disagree with their opinion, but we can’t strike it. We have no right to intervene other’s thought. In addition, creation is something needs to be approved. As we all know that the phenomenon of going with the stream is here and there in our life. Creation is very precious. When a person has different opinion about one thing means he is not a person go with the stream. It is good. And maybe his idea will be a great theory in the future. Who knows? 
To sum up, a different idea is nothing bad. Maybe we can treat it as condiment of our life. We should not choke an opinion that is different from us.

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