
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 高考英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文模板 英语名言 英语美文 作文大全


时间: 2015-01-19 21:34; 作者: 采集侠  电脑版浏览




unit 1 politics
part a snap judgments
part b hillary clinton's journey
part c who on earth wants to be president?
part d first lady behind the president
part e if i were bush's speechwriter...
unit 2 economy
part a fall in the uk share prices
part b soaring gas prices
part c pushover taxman?
part d greenspan urges social security cuts
part e shoppers, beware!
unit3 culture
part a indecency hearings
part b church wedding for divorcees
part c muslim women's rights in kuwait
part d franksgiving, what a mess
part e why not test marriage annually?
unit 4 fashion
part a botox on the high street

.part b promising ebay entrepreneurs
part c the miss fat south africa contest
part d new trends in the ad industry
part e odd fashion
unit 5 entertainment
part a beatlemania swept through america 40 years ago
part b the life of katherine hepburn
part c new zealanders hug oscar
part d norah jones's road to modem jazz
part e commercials in movies
unit 6 sports
part a mccain criticizes baseball over steroids
part b how tyson squanders his outrageous fortune
part c the highest-paid teen soccer player in the us
part d yao ming
part e adu f2f
unit 7 scandal
part a new york times' scandal
part b football rape
part c charity scandal
part d drag company kickbacks
part e our darkest days are here
unit8 people
part a piano prodigy
part b tom ford says goodbye to fashion world
part c harry porter earned rowling quick bucks
part d the google guys
part e making fun of the super bowl
unit 9 education
part a cheaters amok
part b high cost education
part c secret formula for admissions
part d tv threatens kids' attention
part e about writing a book
unit 10 science and technology
part a mars rover
part b smart billboards with ears
part c hdtv
part d saving moments in the digital age
part e the trouble with computers
unit 11 food and fitness
part a a fountain of youth
part b kfc good for your health?
part c making the grade
part d we're eating ourselves to death
part e all mixed up
unit 12 health
part a silent depression for men
part b ecstasy rising
part c goodbye, glasses
part d the benefits of gardening
part e losing weight
unit 13 nature
part a contrasting weather
part b salmon farming in scotland
part c the frenzy of fish migration
part d sea lion's dilemma
part e determined tourists
unit 14 terrorism
part a homeland security
part b madrid terror blast
part c israel kills hamas founder
part d boy bomber
part e amusing acronyms
unit 15 religion
part a atheist calls pledge unconstitutional
part b the appeal of jesus
part c jesus and paul--the word and witness
part d catholic panel rebukes bishops for abuse
part e profits from christ
appendix i scripts
unit 1 politics
unit 2 economy
unit 3 culture
unit 4 fashion
unit 5 entertainment
unit 6 sports
unit 7 scandal
unit 8 people
unit 9 education
unit 10 science and technology
unit 11 food and fitness
unit 12 health
unit 13 nature
unit 14 terrorism
unit 15 religion
appendix ii translation
unit 1 politics
unit 2 economy
unit 3 culture
unit 4 fashion
unit 5 entertainment
unit 6 sports
unit 7 scandal
unit 8 people
unit 9 education
unit 10 science and technology
unit 11 food and fitness
unit 12 health
unit 13 nature
unit 14 terrorism
unit 15 religion
appendix iii key to exercises
unit 1 politics
unit 2 economy
unit 3 culture
unit 4 fashion
unit 5 entertainment
unit 6 sports
unit 7 scandal
unit 8 people
unit 9 education
unit 10 science and technology
unit 11 food and fitness
unit 12 health
unit 13 nature
unit 14 terrorism
unit 15 religion


   《新闻英语视听说》是依照教育部高等教育司最近制定并颁 布实施的《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》而编写的一套高级 新闻英语视听说教材,适用于大学英语较高要求和更高要求阶 段、研究生英语阶段和其他高级英语阶段的学习者。
   《新闻英语视听说》取材于近年来欧美澳主要英语国家各大 电视媒体的公开放送内容,目的是帮助大学生熟悉和掌握各种新 闻英语的特点,进一步培养和提高英语语言技能,从而听懂英语 国家的广播电视节目,及时了解现代资讯,灵活自如地使用英语 进行国际沟通。
   《新闻英语视听说》教程视听一体、内容新颖、题材广泛、 语言规范、实用性和趣味性极强。 本教程以现代美语为主,并 涉及不同的英语变体。 教程内容着力于提高学习者的新闻英语 视听技能和口语表达能力,注重前沿资讯、国际交流、风俗习 惯、文化背景等知识,以适应不同场合的英语视听任务和口语交 际活动。
   《新闻英语视听说》共有15个主题单元,涉及政治、经 济、文化、教育、娱乐、体育、科技、自然等方面;形式多样、 内容丰富,基本满足各种情形下的新闻英语需求。 本教程所有 视听材料均有注解、文字参考和翻译,练习配有参考答案,以便 学习者自主学习和课堂任务检查。 教程注重在语言、内容和语 体等方面由浅入深、循序渐进,教师和学习者可根据具体情况进 行适当调整,有目的、有选择地使用本教程内容。
   《新闻英语视听说》教程注重新闻的实效性和学习者的互 动。学习者可通过访问《新时代交互英语》的专用网站(http:// www.neie.edu.cn)下载到本书的音频和视频资源,也可以在我们 的专业学习网站(http://epstan.zsu.edu.cn)上随时获得视听一体 的即时英语新闻资讯和学习支持,从而及时了解国内国外热点新 闻,置身于英语作为第二语言的真实环境。
   由于编者水平有限、编写时间仓促,书中难免有疏漏和错误之处,敬请 广大同仁和英语学习者不吝批评指正。
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  • 上一篇:英语新闻写作
  • 下一篇:英语新闻广播的收听方法及结构句法特点
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