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时间: 2015-01-13 13:30; 作者: 采集侠  电脑版浏览

  • ·美文听写:小圆点的意义(3) 进入听写
  • It approached a newspaper that was lying nearby. There were dots all over the newspaper. "Surely thi...
  • ·美文听写:小圆点的意义(2) 进入听写
  • The dot, on the other hand, was not as happy. It looked around the page and saw lines all around. Th...
  • ·美文听写:小圆点的意义(1) 进入听写
  • In the middle of his dream, an artist awoke. He reached for his pencil and started to draw. He start...
  • ·美文听写:寂寞(5) 进入听写
  • Well all in all a little bit of loneliness is good for a self-analysis to keep a check over your act...
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  • How to come out of expectations them? Good question. The answer is when you give something, don't ex...
  • ·美文听写:寂寞(3) 进入听写
  • Sometimes we over analyze real life situations and have this growing sense of self pity inside us. T...
  • ·美文听写:寂寞(2) 进入听写
  • If we shed some light on why we feel aloof or lonely at times, we would be very much astonished or e...
  • ·美文听写:寂寞(1) 进入听写
  • A man is known by the company he keeps they say. If it is so,then everyone is bound to have their ba...
  • ·美文听写:你是一个成功者吗?(10) 进入听写
  • Oprah: "Wow! I never thought of it like that. Would you like to be a regular guest on my show?"
  • ·美文听写:你是一个成功者吗?(9) 进入听写
  • Oprah: "What about ordinary people who don't appear on television every day at 4 p.m. like me? Can t...
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