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时间: 2015-01-13 13:30; 作者: 采集侠  电脑版浏览

文章列表  标题形式

  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:Words to Live by生活的忠告

    [美文欣赏] I ll give you some advice about life. Eat more roughage; Do more than others expect you to do and do it pains; Remember what life tells you; Don t take to heart every thing you hear. Don


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:准备好爱你

    [美文欣赏] Sometimes it takes adverse conditions for people to reach out to one another Sometimes it takes bad luck for people to understand their goals better Sometimes it takes a storm for people t


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:一切刚开始We're Just Beginning

    [美文欣赏] We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite... I do not know who wrote those words, but I have always liked them as a reminder that the future


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:学会生活在现实中

    [美文欣赏] To a large degree, the measure of our peace of mind is determined by how much we are able to live on the present moment. Irrespective of what happened yesterday or last year, and what may


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:月色迷人The Fascinating Moonrise

    [美文欣赏] The Fascinating Moonrise There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and t


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:徘徊的岁月The Year of Wandering

    [美文欣赏] Between the preparation and the work,the apprenticeship and the actual dealing with a task or an art,there comes, in the experience of many young men,a period of uncertainty and wandering


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:失败是件好事Failure Is a Good Thing

    [美文欣赏] Last week, my granddaughter started kindergarten, and, as is conventional, I wished her success. I was lying. What I actually wish for her is failure. I believe in the power of failure. Su


  • 2011-05-13精美英文欣赏:孩子的守护天使The child's guardian angel

    [美文欣赏] Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God, They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow but how am I going to live there being so small and helples


  • 2011-05-06精美英文欣赏:朋友的种类Types of Friends

    [美文欣赏] A Faraway Friend is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same town as until one of you moved away. Without a Faraway Friend, you would never get any mail address


  • 2011-05-06精美英文欣赏:让我们微笑吧Let Us Smile

    [美文欣赏] The thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, That costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile. The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves its fello


  • 2011-05-06精美英文欣赏:忧郁的日子The Blue Days

    [美文欣赏] Everybody has blue days. These are miserable days when you feel lousy, grumpy, lonely, and utterly exhausted.Days when you feel small and insignificant, when everything seems just out of r


  • 2011-05-06精美英文欣赏:Silence沉默

    [美文欣赏] Indeed, for a living being there is no such thing as true silence, for silence itself is a revelation of the mind and the heart, an echo of the soul of a different form. Some people use si


  • 2011-05-06精美英文欣赏:真正的自我The Real Self

    [美文欣赏] The only problem unconsciously assumed by all Chinese philosophers to be of any importance is: How shall we enjoy life, and who can best enjoy life? No perfectionism, no straining after th


  • 2011-05-06精美英文欣赏:享受今天的快乐

    [美文欣赏] No living creature can laugh except man. Trees may bleed when they are wounded, and beasts in the field will cry in pain and hunger, yet only I have the gift of laughter and it is mine to


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