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高考英语听力强化训练与模拟 附答案

时间: 2018-06-21 19:14; 作者: lsdy1982  电脑版浏览
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1. Where does this conversation probably take place?

A. At an English corner.         B. At a restaurant.        C. At a concert.

2. What will the man speaker do first?

A. Look at new books.

B. Wrap the books.

C. Answer questions.

3. What are they talking about?

A. Studies.                B. A job.               C. Interest.

4. What do we learn about the woman?

A. She has to attend a meeting.

B. She is going to see a doctor.

C. She does not like sports.

5. What do you learn from the conversation?

A. The man has already gone on his trip.

B. The man has quite prepared for his trip.

C. The man must pack one more suitcase.




6. What does the woman want to do?

A. She wants to buy a camera.

B. She wants to go to the post building.

C. She wants to get her camera repaired.

7. On which floor is the woman’s destination?

A. On the ground floor.       B. On the second floor.       C. On the fifth floor.


8. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Secretary and boss.       B. Teacher and student.        C. Doctor and patient.

9. Why was she late?

A. Her aunt called her to get up late.

B. She missed the bus.

C. She got a telephone call.

10. What can we know about the teacher?

A. He is strict with his students.

B. He is cool to his students.

C. He gets angry easily.


11. What do we know about the man?

A. He was speeding on purpose.

B. He got lost on the way.

C. He is new to driving.

12. Why did the woman try to talk to the man?

A. She was afraid for her safety.

B. She found the traffic too heavy.

C. She saw a police car behind them.

13. What will most probably happen to the man?

A. He will never drive a car.

B. He will get a ticket.

C. He will run his car into another.


14. Where is the woman?

A. At the dentist’s.        B. At a shop.           C. At a clinic.

15. What does the man suggest the woman to do?

A. Get her hole filled at once.

B. Take a long run.

C. Put herself to sleep first.

16. What is wrong with the woman?

A. She has a toothache.

B. Her back hurts.

C. She has a hole in one of her teeth.

17. How many holes are there?

A. A hole.             B. Several holes.           C. We don’t know.


18. In which hall can people buy vegetables?

A. Hall 1.             B. Hall 2.                C. Hall 3.

19. When does the hot breakfast end?

A. At 8 am.          B. At 9:30 am.            C. At 11:30 am.

20. Where is the children’s playroom?

A. On the left side of Hall 1.

B. Next to the telephones in Hall 3.

C. In the special Italian shop.

(Text 1)M: Here is the menu printed in English. What would you like, Judy?
W: Well, I think I’ll have some fried potatoes.
(Text 2)
M: I’ll answer your questions as soon as I finish wrapping the books for this gentleman.
W: Don’t worry about it. I’ll have a look at your new books.
(Text 3)
W: What do you think of delivering pizzas?
M: It sounds easy to me.
W: Yeah, and I guess it’s fun at times.
(Text 4)
M: We are going to play tennis tomorrow afternoon at two. Do you want to come?
W: Oh, well...I’ve got to go to the hospital at one o’clock and I’ll be there for at least three hours.
(Text 5)
W: Are you ready to go on the trip?
M: Well, except for one more suitcase I have to pack, I’m quite prepared.
 (Text 6)
W: Excuse me, is there a place near here where I can get my camera repaired?
M: Let me see. I think there is a camera shop on Washington Street. Do you know where Washington Street is?
W: Oh, no.
M: It’s that big glass office building just past the post office. You can’t miss it.
W: What floor is it on, do you know?
M: On the ground floor next to the entrance.
W: OK, thanks. By the way, do you know how long it’s open?
M: I think it stays open until 5:30.
W: Fine, thanks again.
 (Text 7)
M: What’s the matter, Alice?
W: Sorry, Mr. Harrison. I missed my train.
M: Why did you miss the train?
W: Because I left home a little late.
M: Did you get up late or something?
W: No. My aunt called me at the last minute.
M: Tell her not to call you in the morning.
W: I will, Mr. Harrison. I’m really sorry for being late.
M: If you are late again, I can’t let you pass for this class.
W: Oh. Please.
 (Text 8)
W: Bert...uh...don’t you think you should slow down a bit?
M: Slow down? What do you want me to do that for?
W: But the speed limit is 70 and you’re doing at least 80 and...
M: Don’t talk to me while I’m driving.
W: I only want you to slow down a bit. There’s a pol...
M: If you don’t want me to get angry, keep quiet.
W: No, Bert.
M: My goodness! What’s that?
W: A police car, Bert. They’re following you.
M: A police car! Why didn’t you tell me?
W: I tried, but you said I mustn’t talk to you while you’re driving.
 (Text 9)
W: What does it look like? Am I all right?
M: Well, there is definitely one hole.
W: How did that happen? I brush my teeth three times a day.
M: Don’t worry. It’s not your fault. Holes are just a natural occurrence for most people. I’d like to take X-rays of your mouth to see if there are others.
W: How long will that take?
M: Oh, it should just be a few minutes. We’ll try and get them filled before you leave today.
W: Does it hurt much?
M: No, no, don’t be scared. It’s not going to hurt and it will only take an hour or so.
W: Well, OK, but can you put me to sleep first?
M: That’s totally unnecessary. I’m telling you, it won’t hurt that bad. Besides, the medication that it takes to make a person unconscious is more dangerous than the minor attention your hole will require.
W: I’ll try to bear it, but I’m very scared of the pain.
M: That’s natural. But I promise you. This should be very easy. And in the long run this is definitely the best thing. If you wait till later, it will just get worse.
W: All right, I suppose you know better than I do.
 (Text 10)
This is some information for shoppers at Elwood Food Market. There are three large food halls here.
Turn left at the entrance for Hall 1, where you can buy many different vegetables. Choose the vegetables yourself. Use the plastic bags and then pay for everything at the cash desk. This hall also has very good fish, which all come here straight from the sea.
In Hall 2, you can find lovely cakes and bread. And there is a cafe next to this hall. You can get sandwiches, snacks and drinks all day in the cafe and a hot breakfast until 11:30.
Hall 3 is the biggest hall where cheese, eggs and meat are sold. In this hall there is also a special Italian shop, where you can buy different pasta. They make pizza daily, 55 pence a piece. It’s not expensive. Children will love our new playroom, which is at the end of the hall next to the telephones. You can leave them there when you shop.
Happy shopping!

1~5.BBBBC      6~10.CABCA      11~15.ACBAA    16~20.CAACB

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