
小学英语作文 初中英语作文 高中英语作文 高考英语作文 大学英语作文 英语作文模板 英语名言 英语美文 作文大全 大河名师 教学研究 学习方法 教育新闻 高考资讯 培训答案


时间: 2013-12-03 13:35; 作者: 罗林英  电脑版浏览

   Boys also differ from girls in character. As for boys, they tend to be more active, courageous and energetic. In contrast, girls are likely to be shy, gentle and careful..
   Furthermore, boys and girls differ in their after-school activities. Boys enjoy playing ball games and computer games as well, while most girls are fond of chatting with their friends and shopping, in which boys hardly have interest.
    In my opinion, it is just because of the differences between boys and girls that make the world more colorful. Therefore, boys and girls are supposed to appreciate and respect each other’s characteristics, developing a harmonious relationship with each other.
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  • 下一篇:高考英语写作必备词汇
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