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时间: 2019-12-28 21:37; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览
e arrogant, and spectators to drink overpriced beer.


B. nostalgic

C. humorous




答案: humorous

3、There are usually four e arrogant, and spectators to drink overpriced beer.




答案: humorous

2、Mark the letter that identifies the tone for each of the folloe through good puters. What happened to the quiet chair in a corner with a table for your books, papers, and pencils?



es from, and not about what one ate that day or how much money one earns. A foreigner may be familiar with much of the culture of a North American city, but if that person divulges the real state of his or her health and feelings to the first person who says, How are you? he or she has much to learn about small talk in North American English. Similarly, North Americans tend to get confused in societies where greetings are quite different from ours. People in some other societies may ask a greeting, Where are you going? or What are you cooking? Some Americans may think such questions are rude; others may try to answer in excruciating detail, not realizing that only vague answers are expected, just as we don’t really expect a detailed answer when we ask people How are you?

(qtd. from Judith Resnick & Lanny Lester, Text & Thought, pp. 194-195)

A:A foreigner may be familiar with the English language but not with the appropriate topics for making small talk.

B:North Americans may not respond appropriately to greetings in other societies.

C:Sociolinguists are interested in how speech is used in different cultures and different social contexts, such as in making small talk and greeting people.

D:Conversation differs around the world.

答案: Sociolinguists are interested in how speech is used in different cultures and different social contexts, such as in making small talk and greeting people.

2、You could simply wind up with tossed word salad. On the other hand, carefully written sentences can help show how the separate/individual facts and ideas fit together to build the____ of the whole.

bining the material you choose to include into_____, coherent sentences and paragraphs.




答案: concise,pact,clear

5、Read the follopletes the patient’s helplessness and makes final his division from the world of strong arms, sound legs, clear skin, and lungs that breathe deeply. The sick person’s only hope is to return to life again, and he clings to the thought of getting well.

(qtd. from Kathleen E. Sullivan, Paragraph Practice, p.125)



答案: READ



Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer.

1.The student is quoting from page 79 of the following source:

Marshall, Eliot. Legalization: A Debate. New York: Chelsea, 1988.

There are two works by Marshall in the list of works cited.

A:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure (Legalization 79).

B:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure (79).

C:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure (Marshall 79).

D:Marshall explains that marijuana can be dangerous for people with heart conditions because its use can dramatically increase heart rate and blood pressure (Marshall, 79).



Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer.

The student is quoting Rabbi Isaac P. Fried from page 38 of the following newspaper article:

Treaster, Joseph B. Healing Herb or Narcotic? Marijuana as Medication. New York Times14 Nov. 1993: 38+.

A:I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled, says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's? (Treaster 38).

B:I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled, says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's? (qtd. in Treaster 38).

C:I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled, says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's? (qtd. in Isaac 38).

D:I consider this [alleviating acute pain and nausea] a need that has to be filled, says Rabbi Isaac P. Fried of New York of his administration of marijuana to suffering patients. Should I buckle under the fear of an archaic law that doesn't deal with the present needs of the 1990's? (Isaac 38).



Only one of the following MLA in-text citations is handled correctly. Select the correct answer.

The student is quoting from page 623 of the following essay:

Bangs, Lester. Where Were You When Elvis Died?Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay. Ed. William McKeen. New York: Norton, 2000. 623-27.

pact edition, pact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003.

B:Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. 2nd pact ed. Boston: Bedford, 2003.

C:Roark, James L. The American Promise: A History of the United States. Boston: Bedford, 2003.

D:Roark, James L., et al. The American Promise: A History of the United States. Boston: Bedford, 2003.



Only one of the following MLA works cited entries is handled correctly. Select the correct answer.

The student has quoted dialogue from the 1972 filmThe Godfather, starring Marlon Brando and

A1 Pacino and directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The Film was distributed by Paramount.

A:Coppola, Francis Ford, dir. The Godfather. Perf. Marion Brando and Al Pacino. Paramount, 1972.

B:The Godfather. Dir. Francis Ford Coppola. Perf. Marlon Brando and A1 Pacino. Paramount, 1972.

mon pitfalls in a literary analysis?





5、Write an interpretive analysis of the short story Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield.






1、 You may have to make explicit an indirect connection betmercially feasible amusement park in contemporary society (Weinstein 147). According to one scholar, Disneyland's success is due to its ability to reflect and reinforceAmerica's most important beliefs, values, ideals, and symbols (Weinstein 151).

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