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时间: 2016-09-11 15:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

  【2007年辽宁省高考21题】Christmas is special holiday when whole family are supposed to get together.
  A the; the B a ; a C the ; a D a ; the
  【解析】本题的考点是冠词。首先题目开头 Christmas是泛指的一种节日。所以后面的holiday前面用不定冠词a。后面的whole前常加the表示特指整个家庭。所以用the.因此,答案为D。
  【链接2006年辽宁省高考21题】Of all reasons for my decision to become a university professor, my father’s advice was most important one.
  A. the; a B.不填;a C.不填; the D. the; the
  【解析】第一个空all常和the连用,构成all the。表示特指所有的…,第二个空强调泛指的一个最重要的意见,a most important one. 综上所述,两道考题都是就冠词的特指和泛指来考察的,还有就是大家要注意平时积累关于冠词常搭配的词组,例如all the或者the whole这类的。这两道考题虽然不难,但是大家可以看出考试的思路是稳中求变的。
  【链接2005年辽宁省高考31题】This book tells life story of John Smith, who left school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.
  A the, the B a, the C the, / D a, /
  【解析】本题答案为C.后一个空考察的是有无冠词词组意思不同。Leave the school表示“离开那所学校”,leave school表示“毕业、辍学”。像这样的词组还有:be in charge of “负责”/ be in the charge of “被…负责”;be in office “在办公室里”/ be in the office “在职、当权”/ out of question “毫无意义”/ out of the question “不可能”
  “Have you handed in your schoolwork yet?”
  “Yes, I have. I guess it now.”
  A has graded B is graded C is being graded D is grading
  I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom so lonely as now.
  A have I felt B I had felt C I have felt D had I felt
  Eric received training in computer for one year, he found a job in a big company.
  A after that B after which C after it D after this
  Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a of exercise.
  A limit B lack C need D demand
  【解析】本题是名词的辨析。根据词义、句义我们得知a lack of表示缺少的意思。和身体的健康问题语境搭配。故答案为B。
  “Excuse me , could you tell me the way to the British Museum?”
  “Sorry, I’m a stranger here.”
  “ ”
  A Thanks, anyway B It doesn’t matter C Never mind D No problem
  【解析】本题是情景对话,难度不大,是我们平时学过的变形。我们常遇到的是:thank you all the same. 而anyway就是这个意思,表示“无论如何”。所以答案为A。
  The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than in the newspaper.
  A it B those C one D that
  Help others whenever you can you will make the world a nicer place to live in.
  A and B or C unless D but
  The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported the world record in the 110-meter hurdle race.
  A breaking B having broken C to have broken D to break
  【解析】首先知道be reported这个被动语态后面应该接的应该是to do形式。而break the world record发生在前,而was reported 发生在后。所以,答案为C。C的形式(to have done)表示发生在主要谓语动词(在这里是was reported)之前。
  “ Turn off the TV, Jack. your homework now?”
  “Mum, just ten more minutes, please.”
  A Should you be doing B Shouldn’t you be doing
  C Couldn’t you be doing D Will you be doing
  Don’t be by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.
  A taken off B taken out C taken away D taken in
  【解析】这是一道词组辨析的题。这里考的是take in 的“欺骗”的意思。整句翻译为:不要让那些承诺你很快就能瘦下来的产品所蒙骗(欺骗)。
  We had to wait half an hour we had already booked a table.
  A since B although C until D before
  “Has y【解析】our father returned from Africa yet?”
  “Yes, but he here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.”
  A was B has been C will be D would be
  【解析】这道题的陷阱是for only three days.不要看见for的短语就用完成时,这样的考题在2004年辽宁省高考题中也出现过。当年的第28题It is said in the book that Thomas Edison(1847-1931) the world leading inventor for sixty years. A would B has been C had been D was.2004年的考题答案为D。和本题有异曲同工之妙。都是在过去的时间里的延续,不强调对现在的影响。所以本题的答案为A。
  You can’t imagine what difficulty we had home in the snowstorm.
  A walked B walk C to walk D walking
  【解析】have difficulty in doing sth. 其中的in可以省略。而且we had是一个定语从句。故答案为D.
  “Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it.”
  “ .He’s very good at this sort of thing.”
  A Don’t worry B I couldn’t agree more C Of course D A piece of cake
  【解析】A为别担心,B为我非常同意,C 为当然,D 小菜一碟
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