World Exposition, or World Exhibition, as it has long been known to China over, is being held in Shanghai. It is the desire for traveling all over the world or the chance of learning varying cultures that lures people to Shanghai. Most of my friends went into raptures at the mere mention of Expo and extolled the dramatic advances of it. Afraid of missing this rare opportunity, my classmates and I went to there, but coming back in a disappointed and depressed condition.
一个月来,他每次认真的习作都让我体会到了 天才 两字背后的汗水,上帝从不抱怨人们的无知,但人们却总抱怨上帝的不公。看着他的英文提升,我抑制不住内心喜悦,却又不能过于表现。在学完54课后,立刻让他写了一篇关于misunderstanding的话题,不到15分钟,文章的前两段便被他行云流水般地组织起来:
We have been brought up to be misunderstood. We regard it as an unnecessary occurrence that does more harm than good. We continually wage war on being misunderstood which invades our thoughts and interrupts the pleasure with our friends.(54, paragraph 1)
Several factors- as we all know -make significant contributions to misunderstanding. What invariably happens is that almost everyone goes into irritation or complaints on some occasion, as if a single unimportant word or gesture may set up a chain of misunderstandings .People with different culture backgrounds may misinterpret meanings into wrong and annoying behaviors. Lacking trust and confidence may also allow this sort of trial occur. Having prejudice against somebody -no matter what he says or does-may exert bad influence on us.
我相信他已把 新三 当成可口的匹萨饼,慢慢享受其中的美味。有一天我把总结的新三成语拿给他背诵,flee slamming the door behind (夺门而去);get something for nothing(不劳而获); pour scorn on(不屑一顾); the bewildering amount of (眼花缭乱); come to a grinding halt (戛然而止) talk forever about (滔滔不绝) nothing can be compared with (无与伦比) precise planning and foresight (深谋远虑) 他愣愣地说:NCE, I am your huge fan! 然后急匆匆抄了起来
相关推荐 大学新生入学指南:心态篇