简练就是指文字干净利落,言简意赅 ,这是英语写作的基本要求。繁冗的写作堆砌了许多无用的辞藻,往往出现了文字累赘,前后重复的毛病,使得文章啰嗦而不美观。为了避免这些毛病,我们可以通过以下几个方面来美化英文句子。
一. 去赘语 简练的句子应以意思表达清楚为准则,删除那些多余和无关的词语,避免句子结构的拖沓冗赘,以简洁的文字表达丰富的内容。以下是冗赘的句子与简练的句子的对比。
Wordy: The nature of his statement was not in accordance with the facts.
Better: His statement was not true.
Wordy: I am hopeful that we can come to some agreement.
Better: I hope that we can agree.
Wordy: He has no sense of principles, whether he is in public or in private.
Better: He has no principles, public or private.
Wordy: Another important aspect is good health. It is one of our great blessings. It may be achieved through proper diet and exercise. Rest is also desirable.
Better: The great blessing of good health may be achieved through proper diet , exercise, and rest.
二. 忌重复 在下面的句子中加括弧的词语是不必要的应该删除。
Repeat what you have said.
We must master English idioms .
My car is silver-gray .
Your living room is twice as big as mine .
It is a fact that the generation gap has been widening in recent years.
三. 词组代替从句 He was late because there was a traffic jam.
He was late because of a traffic jam.
She was delighted when she heard this good news.
She was delighted at this good news.
四. 同位语代替定语从句 Paul Jones, who was the distinguished art critic, died in his sleep last night.
Paul Jones, the distinguished art critic, died in his sleep last night.
Oil and coal, which are regarded as two of the earth s most valuable minerals, are man s chief source of fuel.
Oil and coal, two of the earth s most valuable minerals, are man s chief source of fuel.
五. 使用省略句 If you take no pains, you will have no pains.
No pain, no gains.
If something is out of sight, it will soon pass out of mind.
Out of sight, out of mind.
People who like to talk big are likely to do little.
Great boasters, little doers.
Nothing is perfect in the world.
No rose without a thorn.
相关推荐 大学新生入学指南:心态篇