



1、Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heartthe music of the ripples.

2、The more you care, the more you have to lose.

3、The sandflass remembers the time we lost.

4、only want to pull your fingertip, circles Earth last!

5、For a slim figure, share your foodwith the hungry.

6、Pain past is pleasure.

7、she who has never loved, has never lived.

8、Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.

9、precious things are very few in this world、that is the reason there is just one you.

10、To see a world in a grain of sand、And a heaven in a wild flower.

11、Don't try to hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

12、The shortest answer is doing.

13、what a loveiy world it well be with you away.

14、A paradise that you cannot leave is hell.


16、You know my loneliness is only kept for you, my sweet songs are only sung for you.

17、You're always there for me.

  • 上一篇:描述山水的语句,描写山水的特点句子句(150个)
  • 下一篇:错过的爱不会重来,错过的爱已回不来的心情句子(21个)
  • 相关文章

