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科技馆 Science Center

时间: 2019-12-14 20:53; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

This morning, it is time for us to make sandwiches, so we are very excited. We took two bread and put sausage, eggs and vegetables in it, and then we cut the bread into two other shapes.

My Mom said: we need to take food there, because there is one place to eat, but the food there is bad. I went to search the internet, and many people said that. Because my Dad need to work after breakfast, so my Mom would take me there by herself. After 30 minutes, we arrived the science center.

The science center is very big, and it has every countries costumes on it. The whole science center look like an eye with globe. Then we went inside the science center to buy tickets. It is really cool inside. My Mom asked me to go to watch a movie, and then we went to.

Time pass quickly. It was time for us to go home, but I really happy today.

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