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时间: 2019-12-14 20:53; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览


Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain. We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home. The next day, I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed. In the afternoon, I got a high fever. My mother took me to the hospital. The doctor gave me some medicine and advised me to drink more water and have a good rest. He told me not to play in the rain any more. I took the doctor's advice and now I feel much better.



Yesterday,I felt very tired.When I was in class,I felt sleepy and could not listen to the teacher carefully.And I did not want to eat anything at home.I went to bed early.This morning,I felt dizzy and my head was hot.My mom said I had a fever.She took me to see a doctor.He gave me some medicines and told me to have a good rest at home.It was not too serious.I hope I can be good soon.


  • 上一篇:我的父母 My Parents
  • 下一篇:我有一个秘密 I Have a Secret
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