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英语俱乐部 English Club

时间: 2016-10-11 08:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

My family cares about my foreign language education, they want me to learn English well, so I can have a better future. In order to improve my English, they send me to an English club, there are many guys like me, we talk many things in English, we share our opinion, I am so happy in the club and my English get improved.我的家人很关心我的外语教育,他们想要我学好英语,这样我就能有个好的将来。为了提高我的英语,他们把我送到了一家英语俱乐部,那里有很多像我一样的人,我们用英语交流,分享彼此的意见,我很开心,英语也得到了提高。
  • 上一篇:我最喜爱的老师My Favorite Teacher
  • 下一篇:我崇拜的人The Man I Adore
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