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关于大海 About Sea

时间: 2015-11-11 19:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

I live in a small village. I have never seen sea. But I see it many times in the TV. It is very beautiful. In my hometown, the water in the river is a little yellow and the river is small. But the sea is different. In the TV, I can’t see the end of the sea and its water is blue. It is amazing. It is said that is voice and wind of the sea are also very comfortable. My ten years birthday wish is to have a look at sea. 我住在一个小村庄。我从没看过海。但我在电视上看到过很多次。很漂亮。在我家乡,河里的水是有点点黄的。但是大海却是不一样的。在电视上,我看不到海的尽头而且水是蓝色的。真的很神奇。听说大海的声音和海风也是很舒服的。我十岁生日的愿望就是去看海。
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