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时间: 2019-12-14 21:27; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

I have a dream, deeply rooted in my heart. That is, groe the backbone of the country. Whenever I see a waste of time, except the person, I will feel sad for them. Because they didn't see their own value, there is no dream. Such a life is meaningless. Dream, is the real man. The kingdom of the kingdom of dreams, is the true. And I, at least one of your dreams, for the sake of this dream, I have been trying to go down, never give up. I believe, I can climb to the summit of the victory!


My dream is the dream of China, I want to and China working together to achieve the dream!


  • 上一篇:我最喜欢的运动——网球 Tennis
  • 下一篇:什么是幸福? What is happiness?
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