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百老汇 Broadway

时间: 2015-11-11 19:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
When talking about America, the first thing we think about may be the Hollywood, because people love to see the American films so much. Actually, the Broadway is also famous around the world. It is located in New York city and it is a long street. There are many theaters in both sides of the street. It is such a lively zone, the commercial ads can be seen everywhere. I have seen the musical show Cat from the computer, it is so wonderful. The song Memory impresses me so much, the actress played so well and she sung so wonderful. I know many Hollywood stars at first were Broadway actors. All of them have the excellent skills, which makes them get famous naturally. As the saying that a minute on the stage bases on ten years’ hard work. Broadway actors work so hard to perform well. 
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