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二孩政策The Second Child Policy

时间: 2016-09-11 11:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
Since the one child policy carried on, many families had only one kid. As the children growing up, they felt lonely, because they did not have anyone  to accompany. They felt so envious when they saw others have siblings. There is no doubt that the one child policy has controlled the population to increase so fast and helped people to improve their life lever. Recently, the government tends to open the second child policy slowly. People hold the different opinion. Some people think that it is good to let the child have siblings, so they will not lonely and can learn the meaning of sharing. Other people don’t want to have one more child because they don’t have enough money. They want to give the best education to the child, so they think one child is enough. Anyway, the second child policy gives people more choice. 
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  • 下一篇:别拿年龄当借口Don’t Take the Age As an Excuse
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