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时间: 2015-11-11 19:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
Today, the bikeways are being built in more and more cities. There are many advantages of the bikeway. First of all, the bikeway is only for the bike riding, it is much safer for the rider than cycling on the sidewalk or on the motorway. Secondly, this will encourage people use the bike as a means of transport instead of the gasoline car, it will help to reduce the air pollution, meanwhile, reduce the traffic jams. Thirdly, cycling is a very good exercise to keep people healthy and fit. So the bikeway is welcomed in many cities, I would like to ride the bike to school if there are bikeways in my city.
  • 上一篇:拯救我们的城市Saving Our City
  • 下一篇:你会帮助跌倒老人吗?Will You Help the Elderly Who Fell?
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