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工作第一天 My First Working Day

时间: 2016-06-11 18:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

RecentlyI have just got a job in a water factory and I started to work yesterday. Mycolleagues were kind and friendly to me. They showed me around the workshop andtold me how to use the machines. As yesterday was my first working day,everything seemed so fresh to me. I had a strong eagerness to have a try.Because of my curiousness, I did something wrong. I pressed the wrong buttonand the machines stopped working. Suddenly, my face turned red, but luckily, mycolleagues didn’t blame me at all. Instead, they helped me to deal with theproblem. In about half an hour, the machines began to work again. While I stillfelt sorry for my mistake, so I would be careful before operating the machinesnext time.
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