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大学学位能否带来好工作?Can a College Degree Bring a Better

时间: 2016-10-11 08:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

Many college students may want to know that can they get a good job in the future only based on a college degree. For this question, I will say no. Actually, a college degree is important evidence which can prove your ability. But people won’t judge you in one way, so you need to develop other aspects to make yourself more attractive.
As college students, they should improve themselves in many aspects like intelligence, emotional intelligence, social communication and physical strength. With the development of this society, companies also want to hire fewer employees to lower costs; people who can be almighty will be welcomed by most employers.
In order to adapt the reality, what college students can do are keeping learning and improving themselves, because they have to accept the challenge which comes from this cruel world and find bright futures.

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