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成人礼 Adult Ceremony

时间: 2014-04-22 18:02; 作者: 邓勇  电脑版浏览

Last week, I had my birthday party, it was my Adult Ceremony. Unlike the birthday party I had before, this time, my mother treated it as an important meeting, she invited many of my friends, she wanted to give me a big surprise and an unforgettable birthday. In China, when the children are 18, it means they have grown up and been adults. They can make their own decisions, their parents can’t treat them as kids any more. My mother gave me a present, it was a computer, I was so happy, she said that since I had been 18, I should be mature, I should think twice before action. I was so moved, at that moment, I felt it was so hard for my mother to raise me up, I would never let her down. My Adult Ceremony is sweet, I will never forget it.

  • 上一篇:适应大学生活 Adapt College Life
  • 下一篇:我最喜欢的礼物 My Favourite Present
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