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时间: 2015-01-19 21:40; 作者: 采集侠  电脑版浏览


 1. 热线开通后,倍受考生和家长的关注,两天就接到100多个咨询电话;
 2. 90%的来电涉及高考前焦虑及心理调适等问题;
 3. 热线专家指出,考前“减压”放松不能过度,不能完全放下书本,可适当地与家人聊天、散步、慢跑或听音乐。而剧烈运动和打电子游戏都是不适合的。

 1. 开通“高考减压热线”的原因;
 2. 热线开通后的来电情况;
 3. 专家的意见。

参考词汇:焦虑  anxiety   慢跑  jogging

高考考试紧张的英语作文 Possible Version:

 According to the situation that most students feel anxious and nervous before the annual university entrance examination, Guangzhou Communist Youth League Committee has set up hotline 12355 to relieve the pressure of high school graduates. The hotline has drawn both students’ and parents’ attention; moreover, over 100 calls for consulting have been received within the first two days after its establishment. 90% of the calls were related to the concern on the anxiety and proper psychological adjustment before the exam. Experts point out that students should not relieve their pressure to excess. Specifically, rather than ignoring review completely, students had better spend certain amount of time appropriately chatting with their families, taking a walk, jogging, or listening to music; on the other hand, it is inappropriate for them to have intensive sports or to play computer games.

  推荐阅读高考英语作文范文:英语议论文:农村儿童失学问题   高考调研考试英语作文

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