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我想成为一名医生 I Want to be A Doctor

时间: 2019-12-14 21:18; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

When I was very young, my grandma was often ill. She often went to see the doctor. But it could not help her to get well. That was a problem. So I wanted to be a doctor to let my grandma be healthy.

Now I'm 15 years old. I'm studying in Wangcun Middle School in Jiangshan. My favourite person is Florence Nightingale. She is a famous nurse. And I like Henrry Norman Bethune,too. I'm sure I can be a famous doctor like them when I grow up.

I will be 20 years old. I'm going to work in a big and famous hospital. Then when I am 30 ,I'll have a hospital of my own. So I can help more people like my grandma get well all over the world. I'm sure I will,believe me!

  • 上一篇:我的春节 My Spring Festival
  • 下一篇:一个热心的人 A Warm-hearted Man!
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