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姐姐的孩子 My Sister’s Child

时间: 2016-09-11 11:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览
I have two sisters, the oldest one was married a year ago. Now my sister is pregnant and I can’t wait to see her baby. I feel so excited about the coming baby, I will be her aunt, which means I grow up. When the child is born, I will take care of her, I want to set an example to her. I am the smallest one in my family, I get used to being taken by others. Now I can be the big sister and I will learn how to be a good sister. I will grow up with my sister’s baby, maybe we can be the good friends. 

  • 上一篇:珍贵的友情 Precious Friendship
  • 下一篇:聆听父母 Listen to the Parents
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