Give me a break.
What were you thinking?
Your face is very refreshing!
4 、你以为你在跟谁说话?
Who do you think you're talking to?
5 、你长的好象车祸现场。
You seem to be in a car accident.
6 、我再也不要见到你!
I never want to see your face again!
Your facial features long still passable.
8 、我不如地狱,是你入地狱。
I'm not as hell, you go to hell.
By, you're too good to recognize.
1 0、爷爷都是从孙子走过来的。
My grandfather came from the grandson.
1 1、一天到晚跟浪风抽得似的。
All day long with the waves, wind smoke like.
1 2、做免费的鸡挺辛苦挺累的吧!
Do free chicken very hard very tired of it!
1 3、你从来就不说实话!
You never tell the truth!
1 4 、狮子不会因为听到狗吠而回头。
The lion will not look back because I heard the barking of dogs and.
1 5、你的脸长得很惊险像素比较低。
Your face is very dangerous.