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时间: 2019-12-28 14:34; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览
petence in munication process–. 答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。

5、A fragrant scent or a munication process–____.


第2章 单元测试

1、What does paralanguage study?

答案:Vocal elements

2、Deception is typically thought of as the intentional act of (B) information for certain municative purposes


3、Homunication petence proposed by Byram?


3、Which of the following is not included in the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity


4、When will the reverse culture shock take place?

答案:When you return to your home culture after growing accustomed to the new one

5、In which of the following countries, it is appropriate to use the ok sign as indication of strong approval or goodness?


第4章 单元测试

1、Which of the following statements is TRUE of collectivism?

答案:Uniformity and conformity are stressed in collectivist cultures.

fortable in structured learning situations and are rewarded for accuracy in problem solving. Which dimension is this situation related to?

答案:uncertainty avoidance

5、Respect is a perception of the confidence we place in other people’s promises.


第6章 单元测试

1、The fact that people set their mind that all African Americans like to eat chicken is an example of __?


2、Which of the following is not a gender stereotype?

答案:Blonde equals to beauty.

3、The statement that women in Finland are paid lesser than their male counterparts in every field for doing the same job, is an example of __ prejudice.


4、When an elder-care facility refuses to install Internet technology because of the belief that older people don’t have the energy or ability to learn web navigation, they are acting upon ____ prejudice.


5、Which of the following statements is not an example statement of colorism?

答案:An employer might run a thorough background check on an applicant of color, while accepting a job applicant from a prospective white employee with no additional documentation.

第7章 单元测试

1、Which of the following styles of clothing may not express the Indian cultural identity?


2、Which of the following can indicate people’s cultural identity?

答案:All of them

3、Which of the following statement concerned with cultural identity is wrong?

答案:Cultural identity is the feeling of not belonging to a certain group.

5、Which of the following examples of thoughts does not belong to unexamined cultural identity stage?

答案:There are a lot of non-Japanese people around me, and it gets pretty confusing to try and decide who I am.

第8章 单元测试

1、In the tree-tiered concept of globalization, which one is the base and core?

答案:economic globalization

2、Silk Road is an evidence of . 答案:International trade

3、The influence on the internal affairs of other countries is generally referred to as .


4、According to the content we’ve learnt, KungFu Panda is a typical example of ____

答案:parenting is a difficult and important task

5、Which one is not one of the ideas of Global Citizenship?

答案:All the people in the world should love each other;

  • 上一篇:超星尔雅学习通《沙盘游戏与心灵对话》章节测试答案
  • 下一篇:任何组织或个人不得利用互联网电子邮件从事传播淫秽色情信息、窃
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