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时间: 2019-12-28 14:30; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览
pany or post applied as much as possible.

6、In the mode of STAR, the letter A stands for ____.


7、Which of the follopanies is not open to the public, panies.


2、Subsidiary refers to a pany that is opany, i.e. parent pany.


3、A pany structure chart pany management.


4、A job title is a term that describes in a few words or less the position held by an employee.


5、Financial department is responsible for delivering goods to the customers.

pensating human talent.


7、2Ls refer to Language petence and Learning petence.


8、4Cs refer to Critical thinking petence, Creative petence, Cultural petence and Collaborative petence.


9、The follopetence except______.

答案:Discriminates against some individual or group.

10、The follopetence except______.

答案:Is not willing to learn from others

第4章 单元测试

1、You can make your business call . 答案:during the working hours

2、When answering the phone, you should not say: __.

答案:Who are you?

3、When taking a message in a business call, the caller should leave some basic information except _.


4、When making a call, sometimes there will be something wrong with the phone or telephone line. Which of the following expressions is not right when expressing the problems?

答案:The phone is in order.

5、When asking for someone during the business call, you should not say: .


6、When making a call, sometimes there will be something wrong with the phone or telephone line. At this moment, you can NOT say:

答案:Would you like to leave a message?

7、You should try to speak as loud as possible on the phone so as to make yourself heard clearly.


8、In business calls if the person you want is not available, try to leave a message as detailed as possible.


9、Usually a business call should not be longer than 3 minutes.


10、During the business call we should stick to the subject and do not allow the conversation to drag out with meaningless chatter.


第5章 单元测试

1、Contact can be as simple as sending everyone a friendly reminder through office e-mail, phone calls, or a post card reminder through the mail.


2、As a chairperson, before holding a meeting, you should also decide who should attend and what the purpose of the meeting is.


3、It is ok that you begin a meeting five to seven minutes after it was scheduled.

es in the minute.


10、A es to.


8、You should start the business talk pany presentation refers to a prepared speech given on behalf of listener’s opany for marketing and other certain purposes.


2、If the basic elements are covered in a pany presentation, it definitely means this presentation is an effective one.

pany presentation, the speaker should make the content pany presentation , pany profile, location, key personnel, market application areas should be covered.


6、In a pany presentation, some technical support especially slides, flip charts, PPTs are very important.


7、The presenter is supposed to deliver the presentation as soon as possible.


8、When pany’s performance should be involved, some vivid verbs, the line, bar, pie graphs are the most favorable options.


9、The basic elements of a pany presentation contain __.

答案:greeting and self-introduction、subject、main body、Q & A session

10、What are the preparations before a pany presentation?

答案:Making a draft、Doing brief notes、Doing oral practice

第8章 单元测试

1、Product presentation may be given to the investors to attract additional funding.


2、A plete product presentation should include all 6 parts: introduction, outline, body, summary, conclusion, question and ansmunication skills: _.


第9章 单元测试

1、An annual report is an in-depth and prehensive overview of a business’ or an organization’s key moments and metrics from the previous year.

panies, periodic financial reports are required by lapany’s ability to gropetitors.


7、A business presentation is typically carried out using audio/visual presentation material, such as projectors and statistical documents created petition, connect paratively short amount of time to reach the customers at trade fairs.


3、Everyone munication.


5、Before sending your booth staffers, you need to consider the peting exhibitors about the previous trade fairs is a good way to find the best fairs to attend.


7、The key to find the best trade fairs lies in finding the ones that pull in the most decision makers for your industry.


8、Offering food the attendees is an excellent idea.


9、Directions: Choose the right things from the information box below for a seller/buyer to do at a trade fair. Pay attention, there are some things neither side should do.The seller:_ 答案:c

plete and final trade terms are not necessary.


7、An offer may either be firm or soft.


8、A soft offer is an offer munication.


3、A firm offer is not binding on the seller.


4、Generally speaking, further orders plimentary close.


6、In a business letter, the salutation goes above the inside address.


7、The body part of a business letter usually begins with reference to the previous letter received.


8、In the general trading process, usually the seller makes an inquiry.


9、An order contains the following items except________.

答案:a firm offer

10、The following phases are usually involved in a negotiation process except______.

答案:delivering the goods

第13章 单元测试

1、In payment in advance method, the importer makes full payment to the supplier before the shipment of goods is done.

  • 上一篇:吸食毒品因共用针具容易导致艾滋病与____等类疾病
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