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智慧树知到《CAMPUS ENGLISH——校园英语我的大学》见面课答案

时间: 2019-12-28 13:39; 作者: 大河网  电脑版浏览

A.Hold a Smile munication.




4、Holing the belief people like me mon sense, how many states and territories are divided politically if you are asked to give an answer

A.There are six states and two territories in Australia

B.There are four states and three territories in Australia

C.There are two states and five territories in Australia.

D.There are five states and three territories in Australia.

答案:There are six states and two territories in Australia

3、As far as you are concerned, Melbourne is one of the most popular tourist attraction cities in the world because

A.Melbourne is the most liveable city in the world

B.Melbourne is famous for its food and culture

C.There are seven world-renowned public universities here such as The University of Melbourne, Monash University, RMIT University, La Trobe University, Deakin University, Victoria University and Swinburne University of Technology.

D.All of Above

答案:All of Above

4、Why choose RMIT?

A.By choosing RMIT, you’re choosing a global university recognised for leadership and innovation in technology, design and enterprise

B.At RMIT you’ll learn from experts in your field of study, while benefiting from our strong industry connections and a curriculum influenced by the latest industry trends

C.RMIT University is 230th highest ranked university in the world

D.Both A and B

答案:Both A and B

5、Why are people from all over the world getting started to learn Mandarin Chinese?

A.Because of its influential and rising status worldwide, there are a great many other language speakers trying their best to learn Chinese and its culture better

B.China is a country rich in history, culture, science and arts where traditions go back thousands of years

C.People from all over the world hold their claim that they prefer Chinese only to any other languages

D.Both A and B

答案:Both A and B

  • 上一篇:2019年12月10日至12日,中央经济工作会议在北京举行会议指出,必须
  • 下一篇:智慧树知到《丝绸之路文明启示录》见面课答案
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