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时间: 2015-11-11 19:06; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

  我的英语很好,因为我能写出几万字的论文。 我的英语很好,因为我能背出字典里的所有词条。 今天,北外的屠蓓教授就要说服你:英语的语音是何其得重要。好的英语发音,能够让你交到外国朋友,树立良好印象,浑身散发自信的魅力,并最终在当前严峻的就业形势下成功突围,谋得众人垂涎不已的职位!
  Why is good English pronunciation so important? 为什么语音好这么重要啊?我不喜欢语音,我就喜欢写,我就喜欢词汇,我能把字典都背出来。Ok. 今天我就要说服你。
  English pronunciation is very important. It s more important than learn all the words from dictionary by heart. All right? Why? Ok. Just now we said the purpose of learning a language is to communicate. If you want to communicate with people, you want to understand and to be understood. Is that right? You must understand and to be understood. This is your purpose. 我想听懂你的,我也想让你听懂我的。 就这么简单。So to make yourself understood. All right? (发音不好,别人不知道你说什么,说再多又有何用?)
  I will give you a few reasons. If you have a good pronunciation, all right? You have confidence. Why? When you have confidence, you have good pronunciation. You have confidence to communicate with native speakers. 你要是语音好的话,你就有信心,你外国人来我不怕,我说了你能听懂,你说的我也能听懂。Is that right? So you have confidence. All right? (语音是鱼,自信心是水。失去自信心,便是如鱼离水,发音会受到颇多阻碍;而自信满满地发音,便是如鱼在水,发音尽可自在畅游。)
  And if you have good pronunciation, it s just like you girls, have a beautiful dress, and boys in the very well-cut suits, all right? suits and tie. All right? Yes.穿着西装笔挺去参加会。You give people very good impression. First impression is very important. 你给人家的第一印象好不好啊?穿得很得体。Is that right? First impression is very often the last impression. Ok, so if you have good pronunciation, you give people good impression. (与人交往,第一印象至关重要;同样,张嘴说话,一口发音至关重要。)
  And more important, if you have good pronunciation, you have more opportunities. Do you think so? 你要是英语好的话,你机会比人家多。If you go to job interviews, 叫什么?去面试的时候,我当然选择我能听懂的那个人,(不去选)我听不懂的那个人, oh, sorry. So you can have more opportunities. You can go to the radio, you can go to the TV, like Yang Lan. Her pronunciation is good. All right? So she had more opportunities. Of course, she had other talents as well. So you have more opportunities if you have good pronunciation. (拥有好的发音等于拥有了更多的选择和成功的机会。你不仅会从面试大军中脱颖而出,也会看到多元化的发展方向。杨澜的成功归功与此,你的未来亦如是。)
  If you have good pronunciation, you can make more friends. Because you can go to parties. All right? You can communicate with people and people like to talk with you. You can make more friends. (人是需要沟通的情感动物。好的发音自然能助你广交天下。)
  So why not have good pronunciation? Good pronunciation goes a long way. Do you understand me? Good pronunciation goes a long way, goes very far. 有一个好的发音啊,你可以受用终身。Do you think so? Yes. So good pronunciation goes a long way. (好的发音会伴你一生,令你受用不尽。)
  I give you an example, if at a party, ok, in this party, everybody should speak English. At the party, you learn English, you want to try your English, you want to talk with an American, the American comes to you. He says, Lovely day, isn t it? And he speaks so fast. You don t understand. You say, I beg your pardon . He knows that your English is not so good, so he slows down. He says, Lovely day, isn t it . Lovely day, Lovely day Please say it again. And then he says, Lovely day, isn t it? I m sorry. I don t understand you. And then the American says, Oh, I said I want to talk to someone else. See you later. I beg your pardon. You still don t understand. It s very embarrassing. Do you think so? Yes. So. He, his English is not understandable, is not that kind of English that is clear with appropriate intonation and stress. He doesn t understand others. All right? So this is important. (笑归笑,希望大家重视发音,苦练发音,听得懂别人说什么,也让别人明白自己在说什么,不要再把一句 I beg your pardon 挂在嘴边啦。)
  • 上一篇:新概念英语如何背而不忘
  • 下一篇:总结英语的四六级考法
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