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时间: 2015-12-11 08:08; 作者: dy  电脑版浏览

  The Function of a Language is Communication
  There was a time when many a student told me that they would have to wait for a couple of years before they could speak English to me, for they thought that their English was poor. No statement is more incorrect than this one!!!
  As a matter of fact, one is supposed to speak English the first day when he/she starts to learn English. Only by doing so, can they speak and improve their English from the very beginning.
  For example, if you have just learned Good morning and Goodbye on the first day of your English lessons, you just say Good morning and Goodbye to everyone you see. If you have learned I m Mike , What s your name , and Nice to meet you on the second day, you just try to strike up a conversation with everyone you come across by saying: Good morning , I m Mike , What s your name , Nice to meet you and goodbye . I call it a snowball effect, getting bigger and bigger with the passage of time.
  At the initial stage when you speak and write English, you just try your best to make yourself understood and to understand others. Forget about grammar, for you simply cannot speak or write English properly if you think of grammar all the time. You should do everything you can to master the grammar when you study it whereas you should forget about it when you speak and write English. You reach a balance this way.
  Don t be afraid of making mistakes. In fact, the more mistakes you make, you more progress you make!!! As long as you can understand each other when you speak and write English, that is good enough to start with. Quantity is more important than quality at this stage. You will improve the quality of your English step by step from then on.
  In conclusion, please bear in mind, without fail, that the function of a language is communication. Please speak and write English whenever and wherever possible. The more you use it, the better off you will be.
  • 上一篇:《新概念英语》第一册该怎么学2
  • 下一篇:英语句型基本结构
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